i opened the box from my sister a couple of days early by mistake. i swear! i've been ordering like mad from amazon myself (holidays and all you know) and i assumed this box was a gift i'd bought for someone else! anyway, look at all the lovelies. i'm already planning projects inspired by the two books and enjoyed m. hulot the night it arrived!
i received lots of other wonderful gifts but as the light's fading, photos will have to wait until another day. let's just say that if i ever get stuck on the moon, i won't be hard-pressed for sugary desserts!
umm, so...
i also bought this gorgeous, soft hand-embroidered number for myself at a craft fair on saturday. amaranth said i deserve it! (she ended up going home with beautiful pajamas made by sweet p, who was actually at the fair!) i'm not usually so spendy (it wasn't cheap) but i got a little early b-day surprise on friday - a promotion at work. so happy birthday to me!
Happy Birthday! Love the sweater!
belated congrats on promotion at work, hurrah! and that is a lovely sweater--it is worth spending on unique lovely pieces that speak to us, right? must do more of that. and less of the buying boring mass produced things. hello, new year's resolution!
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