the flowers are based on a tiny piece of a larger aubrey beardsley illustration and i'm having a really, really difficult time not wearing 'em!* i think i'm going to have to make more pieces in this general direction...
the biggest win of that afternoon - other than spending time with my lovely ladies, of course - was the discovery by DM of the most wonderful pen in my collection. i'm not sure why i hadn't tried it out before, but man! these things sure are fine, and they don't bleed one bit! i promptly went out and bought an entire set in a slightly larger tip size (thank you, michael's coupon!).

i've also been knitting away at the hoodie and i've just approached the patterning on the back. it's sooo soft - can't wait to snuggle into this one!
*announcement to come in the next few weeks... stay tuned...
I have been looking for just such a pen for archival stuff at work. easily found at Michael's?
funky earrings, can't wait to see more of them! you are so creative:)
love em!!! announcement, eh? i'm on the edge of my seat!
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It is useful to try everything in practice anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)
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