i did manage to sneak out of the house when i heard the festival of chariots parading across the street on sunday, though.
three beautiful floats, lovely mantra chanting, and vegetarian treats - this city gets better and better! except for this part -
see those signs? now, i don't mean to offend anyone here, but... these guys were following the parade. there was even a guy with a megaphone and a sandwich board around his neck screaming about how the hare krishna monks were going to hell and we were all going with them. i was kind of blown away that people could be so verbally violent against some of the most peaceful people in the world. to each his own but - please, to each his own.
and that's all i'll say about that.
OMG!!! You gotta take care of yourself hon!!! :( Get well soon!
get well soon!!! ugh.
and ugh.
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