thanksgiving was wonderful; b's family is so nice and we spent quite a bit of time playing guitar hero and wii golf (b's grandma even got in on the action!). despite the overly melodramatic warnings of every news show on television and the radio, traveling was a cinch - no car or people traffic in sight! i'm none too pleased to be back at the grindstone but at least the holidays are coming up! (and yes, that's a new holiday secret project in the progress bar at right. if you're on ravelry you can see it here. i'm a glutton for punishment.)
in ohio we had a triple birthday celebration and i received some wonderful gifts from b's family:
rooster cookie jar and holiday mug
yay! a fabulous stitch pattern book!
yummy candle made in b's hometown
very little progress made on snow white during the long weekend due to tara the terror, b's parents' new golden doodle pup who loves to jump! jump! jump! on me! ah well. i think i'll have to put it aside until after the hols anyway.
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