Monday, December 29, 2008

bella's mittens - updated pattern!

bella's mittens

bella's mittens

bella's mittens

with help from my mom, i finally had the opportunity to take some decent photos of bella's mittens. i've also fixed a couple of typos in the original pattern. you can download the new version here.


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Anonymous said...

I just love my mittens!

Anonymous said...

great pictures!!

Anonymous said...

I found your pattern via ravelry, and now have half a dozen people (including my little girls) BEGGING me to knit these for them. Of all the Twilight inspired projects I've seen, this is my favorite. Nice work!

California Lucky said...

what kind of yarn did you use? i was thinking of using wool ease chunky?

Anonymous said...

Found your pattern via Ravelry... I can't believe how beautifully these are knitting up. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful pattern.

Anonymous said...

do you have a pattern for convertible gloves? they are the ones where they have fingerless gloves, with the mitten that folds over the top.
but in the pattern of the Bella gloves?
or do you know where i can find any?


Anonymous said...

I love them, I´m also making this mittens, with that color, they are exactly the same! I get the pattern on Ravelry.
The pics are great, I have to take some decent pics with the mittens...

Toni said...

These are awesome! I love them. They are added to my list.

Anonymous said...

Working on my second mit right now, love the pattern. But nice brown bunny t-shirt!

Spinning Beauty said...

Hi! I found this pattern via Ravelry and it's lovely! Thanks for sharing it :)

Anonymous said...

I don't knit and I was wondering if there was anyone out there that would knit me a pair of these mittens, I will pay!!!

Please email me if you would consider it.

Anonymous said...

Your mittens are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing on Ravelry! Outstanding work.
Hugs, Nan

Anonymous said...

hey. how much do i have to pay you for a pair of those mittens?! i'm so serious so please e-mail me back at Thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

WOW : These mittens are SO HOT !

Thank you for the pattern : I have added a link to your blog on mine... I guess a lot of Twilight Mittens will be knitted before the end of this winter !! ;-)

Anonymous said...

hi i discover you really amazing pattern on biscotte's blog and i reaally like this pattern i casted on the first stiches at 10 pm yesterday
i can wait to see the movie (we are really late in france it come out today)

thanks again for the pattern !!!

Beth said...

OMG! Did you see that your mittens were featured on the craftster blog today???

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this pattern! Love Bella's mittens the first time I saw the movie and wanted to make a pair of my own. I was going to make my own pattern, but I saw yours and it is really close to the ones in the movie. They are perfect:)

Unknown said...

i dont get this part...

M1R: From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop.
M1L: From the front, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into back of loop.
M1: Make one (use your preferred method).

is that like to increase? is it like knit into bothsides of the stitch or do you grab the stitch from the row beneathe? please let me know :-(

Anonymous said...

These were wonderful! THANK YOU! And like previous posters... I have a million people asking for these. Good thing I have tomorrow off and there is a snow storm headed in. YAY! Nicely done!

ida said...

So beautiful!! Thanx for sharing the pattern, it has been saved ;)

Anonymous said...

Whoa these are amazing. I have tried to find these mittens ever since I saw them on Kirsten Stewart.
To bad I can't knit.
Would anyone be willing to make me a pair?
If you could my email is:

love the mitts

Trude sin hobbyverden said...

Found youre mittens on Ravelry, and i just loved them. I will put them in my fav list.

Barbra Szabrowicz said...

Thank you so much for the pattern, love the mittens.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rabbit,

Thank you!

Every year, I knit something for my teens' best friends at Christmas. For 2008, it was 3 hats and 3 pairs of socks.

I think 'Bella's mittens' will be the pattern for 2009 Christmas knitting.

(Hope they come out with another movie by then; that will really thrill the girls.)


craftymama said...

Hi, I am so glad you posted the mitten pattern, I would like to make them but had a question. I have never made mittens before and at the beginning of the pattern it says to join using the magic loop method. Is the whole pattern done using this method or just the first row? thanks in an advance :)

Jessica @ Sunny Tuesday said...

You are my new best friend! I have been dying to make these mittens. As soon as I saw them in the movie, I knew I had to have them. And now I'm adding you to my reader!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this pattern. Done with three pair - onto the fourth (two gray, one dusty rose, onto another gray). They are so perfect for the recent arctic freeze in MN. Warm wishes!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! your pattern for Bella's mittens looks beautiful and as much as i would like to make them i am having a hard time downloading the pattern,every time i try i get a message saying unable to download, if its not too much trouble could you please send me a copy via e-mail thanks for sharing your pattern!

Faith (the Vampire Slayer) said...

I just finished making these yesterday and loved them. Thanks so much for writing this pattern!

Awesome Mom said...

My friends and I are doing a knit along and this was the winning pattern, I can't wait to get started.

I used to own a Himalayan rabbit, she lived to a good ripe old age and I still miss her very much. Your rabbit pictures brought back a lot of good memories.

Anonymous said...

LOVE this pattern! I saw a link to it and picked it for the pattern not the Twilight-ness. You've done an amazing job with this. I've finished one pair, I'm working on a shorter pair for my mother, a bright bubble-gum pink pair for my daughter...the menfolk are starting to try them on and hint that they'd like them, too. Wonderful.

seb said...

hey there. love the mittens. like some of the others, I don't knit, but I want a pair! where you able to help them out? could you point me in the same direction? please say yes!


seb said...

oh yeah. you can reach me at thanks again..

Anonymous said...

Could anybody make me a pair of these amazing mittens? I want those exact ones in the picture! they are so amazing. I am in love with them and I can't find anything like them anywhere. I would be willing to pay somebody as much as they wanted to make me a pair. I want these mittens so bad!!! If anybody knows how to make these and would be willing my email is


J. Thomas said...

Fab pattern! I've been looking for a good set of mittens...

Anonymous said...

Amazing!! Those mittens look warm cozy and just like Bella's. But here's my dilemma. I can't knit, so I was wondering if you would be up for knitting a pair for me, and how much you would charge for them. You can reach me at Or if you couldn't what kind of yarn you used for them? Thanks so much!

Anna Andalasia said...

Thanks for posting the pattern for free! They are absolutely adorable.

I mentioned your mitten pattern on my blog:

I also added your blog to my favorite links on my blog. =)

KatieKaboom21 said...

I deeply appreciate your wonderful generosity! Your Mom raised a very talented young woman! Three cheers to you both!!!

Katherine, An Obsessed Twilighter

P.S. The mittens are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love these! What a wonderful warm cuff, and such a sculptural mitt. Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Can I just buy the mittens off of you?
I can't knit. I don't know how, and i just want the gloves:)

cerize said...

i'm quite desperate because i'm french and i don't understand the pattern..

do you sell the mittens?
my email :


Tif said...

Just finished my first pair and am starting a second. This pattern is excellent!! Thank you for sharing it!

Clarice said...

You people understand that you'd be paying for the time and skill it takes to knit the mittens, right? To be certain, it's DEFINITELY worth it, having handknit gloves (show of hands for how many of us have used storebought knit mittens only to have them unravel within the first week?).

Subliminal, I've got some comments on your pattern, and see a small detail error. You can reach me at if you want. :)

Beautiful design, thanks for posting!

NH Knitting Mama said...

Thanks for posting this pattern. You can tell you put a lot of time into it, even the way the pattern is written is beautiful!


web design company said...

u r blog Is very nice

Openbook said...

This is driving me nuts I printed out the pattern because REALLY want to make them but I am not sure what version I got. Are the typos so bad that they are going to affect the out come of the mittens. if they will can you tell me what they are. Please and thank you.
My Email is
and my ravelry account is Openbook

Openbook said...

Just in case

Unknown said...

I was wondering if you could make a video tutoral. I am more of a visual person and a video would be extremely helpful... my e-mail is Thanks so much for your time.

Anonymous said...

I can't get the pattern from the link. It won't work for me. Could you send it to me? I'm ATangledMess on Ravelry and LOVE your mittens!!!

cmrpaul said...

Thank you SO much for posting this awesome pattern for free! I just finished my first pair this weekend and I can't wait for it to get cold again so I can show them off!

Anonymous said...

Just made my fifth pair of these... putting this pair away for a niece for Christmas! Thanks for the pattern! I really like how quickly it works up and still looks like the movie mittens! Every one who sees them wants a pair!


Lauren said...

These are great! Makes me want to learn how to knit. If you are selling them please let me know!

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble downloading the pattern. Wold you be able to email it to me at Thank you so much! They look fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble downloading the pattern. Wold you be able to email it to me at Thank you so much! They look fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble downloading the pattern. Wold you be able to email it to me at Thank you so much! They look fantastic!

Samantha said...

Hi there! I've been looking for a pattern for these FOREVER! That's awesome. However, I cannot view the pattern, and I see that's a problem for a few people. Could you email it to my email as well?


Anonymous said...

hi there!

i was wondering if you wouldn't minds e-mailing this pattern to me? for some reason my computer will only open HTML 's right now and word doc.s- but i love them and would love to make them!

my e-mail is

thank you so much!

angharad handmade said...

They're lovely! Added straight to my ravelry queue! Thanks for sharing the pattern.

Bethany (yarnorgy) said...

Found you through Ravelry! Beautiful mittens! Thank-You so much for sharing them!

Courtney said...

HI! wondering how much money you would need to knit these mittens and ship them to me! i dont know how to knit but love these mittens and you did a marvelous job so i was wondering if you would knit a pair for me...

email me if possible:

Audrey said...

Hi thanks for putting up the pattern I'm trying to work on it. But I need some advice I'm at the left hand gusset and i'm looking over what I've done so far and it looks nothing like it and I dont know where is messed up the bump/wavy thing isn't on the mitten. any tips for a beginner? you can email me at :)

Ck Valentine said...

Hello, I think your pattern is wonderful and simple, but I was wondering where you get your cascade 109 yarn? I can never seem to find the 109 anywhere?
Thank you for your time,

Miss Angie said...

After reading the Twilight series I finally got around to watching the movie today. I noticed Bella's mittens right away and went to ravelry after I watched the movie. My jaw dropped when on the first page I saw just what I was looking for, your Bella mittens. Thank you so much :-)

Anonymous said...


Sandra said...

Thank you for this free pattern.
You have made so many knitters and/or teenage girls happy.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE knitting this pattern! Its challenging enough, yet easy that you can whip right through it! I'd be happy to make mittens for those of you who don't know how to knit. Maybe we can work something out? Email me at
:) Sara

Rikki said...

Hello there. My sister is a huge Twilight fan. I asked her if there was anything in particular that she would like for me to knit for her for Christmas, and she just called and said "Bella's mittens". Well, shame on me. I watched that movie with her and didn't even notice the mittens! I did a google search and found your pattern. I really appreciate you creating that pattern and also for posting it. I will be ordering some yarn this week and then I will get started on these! Thank you for being so generous with your talent!

yodafatkitty said...

Just bought the yarn and got your addy from Sonya at Yorkshire Yarns.
Can't wait to get started!
Very nummy and warm lookin' mitts!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are BEAUTIFUL! I hopped over from Permission to Unwind. These are going on my must make list!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, i love your mittens! I've been looking for a pattern like this everywhere, but for some reason it won't load for me. Is it possible for you to email me a copy? My address Thanks so much for sharing your talent! you're amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful and easy pattern!!

Anonymous said...

I'm making these for my daughter. She's only 9 so I'm using smaller needles and worsted weight wool. They are coming out perfect. Exactly like in your pics, but miniture. She loves them! next I'll have to make myself a pair.

morat said...
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kenali dan kunjungi objek wisata di pandeglang said...
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Enri said...

OMG They're absolutely amazing!!
I downloaded the pattern even if I don' know if I'll ever make them :-)
thanks and sorry for my bad english^_^

chair said...

love these! must try them!

Anonymous said...

Love this Mittens!
I am knitting my second pair.
Awsom for the cold norwegian winter.

Thenk you!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's such a wonderful, easy pattern! I'm making a pair for my Twilight-loving SIL - she'll love it.

However, I'd also like to knit a pair for my daughters' school fundraiser next month. Would this be all right with you? Please contact me at plumeria47 at fulmerfamily dot com or over at my LJ. Thanks!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I LOVE this pattern and the mittens! I think your pictures are adorable and they inspired me to make these! Thanks for sharing your beautiful work.

Anonymous said...
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la Fée Cloche said...

so cut!!!!!!!! i fall in love with them!

la Fée Cloche said...

so cut!!!!!!!! i fall in love with them!

la Fée Cloche said...

so cut!!!!!!!! i fall in love with them!

la Fée Cloche said...

so cut!!!!!!!! i fall in love with them!

la Fée Cloche said...

so cut!!!!!!!! i fall in love with them!

la Fée Cloche said...

so cut!!!!!!!! i fall in love with them!

Miss Haley said...

*gasp* oh my word I MUST make these. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I absoultely love these gloves, but i'm not an expert knitter. Only finished one scarf. I would love to have a pair of these and would be willing to pay a resonable price for someone to make them for me. Please contact me at
Thanks Sarah. =)

Daniel DPK said...

such beautiful glove..i love your collection..

Let's Think Out of The Box: Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita

Ina said...

Thank you for a fun pattern!

Sara said...

Just found your lovely pattern- ideal for my son's girlfriend. Found a tutorial on magic loop knitting and I am away - loving it! Thank you!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Great pattern, great mittens! Thanks for the pattern!!

bonnster said...

Thank you so much for the pattern! I'm a failry new knitter who's just about ready to learn cableing and I can't wait to make these mittens! You rock!

Bea said...

Thanks for this, I have to get a knitted gift finished by the weekend and these are just perfect.

Evelyn L. Jackson said...

Evelyn asks:
Does anyone have a Crowchett
Pattern for the Bella Mittens?
I don't knit so I need a Crowchett
Pattern, my Nieces would love a


Anonymous said...

I wish not agree on it. I over polite post. Especially the title attracted me to be familiar with the whole story.

Anonymous said...

Good fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.

Anonymous said...

Easily I acquiesce in but I contemplate the collection should secure more info then it has.

Smiley Lil said...

I am knitting the lovely mittens for my best friend at the moment as a thank you present for the twilight book series she brought me for Christmas. I have just one thing in the pattern you say to use a 24" or longer round knitting needle is this correct because I wasn't sure how to make the sts fit around the needle so I used a smaller length of needle please if anyone has any tips let me know.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Amiable fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.

Sjarmtroll-Unni -Kystcavalieren said...

Thank you for this great pattern!
Have a wonderful day!

Hugs from Norway:)


Anonymous said...

Opulently I acquiesce in but I contemplate the collection should prepare more info then it has.

froufrou et capucine said...

thanks a lot for your beautiful pattern, it's perfect and so hot for snow days !!

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

quite interesting read. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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TnT said...

when I click on your link, nothing happens. How can I access your pattern for these adorable mittens?

Anonymous said...

I am having trouble accessing the pdf of your bella mitten pattern. Could you please email it to me at Thanks much

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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laurie said...

I would really love to knit these mitts for all the twilight fans in my life. Can someone suggest what type of wool to use that is either Patons or Bernat and do I use a single strand or double.

Greatly appreciated if someone could help me.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited about these mittens. I am a new knitter and have not yet tried cables. This is my catalyst to learn. It is my next knitting adventure.

Thank you so much for posting the pattern. I can't wait!!!!

CR, Douglasville, GA

Sandra La Knitalian said...

Found the Bella's Cowl and this link on Ravelry~
Thanks for sharing!!!

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Unknown said...

I wanted to say thank you for the pattern - I worked up a sample of these for a gal who will be doing a class ( They were so enjoyable to knit - a great project! :)

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Elise said...

Thanks for the lovely pattern! I mentioned you in my blog. Happy knitting. :)

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t-shirt personnalisé said...

You made some great mittens patterns !!

Unknown said...

I love these mittens! I am wondering if anyone knows what kind of adjustments I would need to make to the pattern in order for the mittens to be a little bit bigger? The wrist part is fine but I need to make the hand part about 8" long. The width listed in the pattern is just right but it's just the length that I need help on. If anyone has any tips that would be great! Thanks!

Wilene said...

i was wondering if anyone knows of a crocheted pattern for the gloves i have looked EVERYWHERE online for it, a friend and i love the movies and books and need to sport some twilight love :) ty

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I love these and have knitted my first ones!! You can look them up in my blog. ;) Thank you so much for sharing the pattern.

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Kewell said...

Thank you for this pattern! Love Bella's mittens. I was going to make my own pattern, but I saw yours and it is really close to the ones in the movie. They are perfect:)

Siri @ Strikk og tøys said...

Lovely Mittens!

Sune said...

nice post,thanks for sharing that.

Samantha said...

Also not getting the download to work. I found you on ravelry and am really excited to work these up if I can get the pattern. I'd greatly appreciate it if I could get it via email. Thanks!

berita terkini | tips | info gadget | sepakbola said...

LOVE this pattern! I saw a link to it and picked it for the pattern not the Twilight-ness.

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berita terkini | tips | info gadget | sepakbola said...

Thank you SO much for posting this awesome pattern for free! I just finished my first pair this weekend and I can't wait for it to get cold again so I can show them off!

Anonymous said...

Love the pattern, it's been on my list for ages, and I'm finally getting started. I'm finding the #8 24" way too long. Anyone else finding this? I'm going to use 16" and see how it goes.

Anonymous said...

I'm printing the pattern again because I wore out the first one. I made them larger, I made them with fine yarn, I made them into fingerless........They are gorgeous. I tried to switch to a different pattern, but this one is just..more beautiful! Thankyou!!!

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I love my mittens! Although that was nice mittens there :)

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Looks very juicy:) Thanks for the article. Will need to try to make herself. Thank

Boogbite said...

@california lucky: I used wool-ease chunky and it's the perfect weight. Couldn't find the same grey but they look (and feel) great in charcoal!

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I'm sorry, but I can't find the actual pattern on this website.

What am I doing wrong?

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Debbie Evans said...

I have a granddaughter who is twilight mad. so will dig out yarn from my stash and get these knitted for her for Christmas. Thank you for posting the pattern its so kind of you.

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Anonymous said...

Those are lovely!! Is it just me or the photos are arranged to look like from "Twilight"? :)

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Jennifer said...

What is the weight of the yarn used for purposes of substitution? I am a relatively new knitter and cannot figure these things out on my own yet- thank you!!

Colorado Spring said...

simple! but its cool and amazing....

careprost said...

loved it, will be waiting for your future posts

Warnock said...

I was looking for a post on growing tomato's from seed. This site came up in the results but it was not quite the idea I had in mind. Worth a read though.

Annette said...

those mittens look warm and snuggly - the problem is always when it starts to snow though - knit objects arent waterproof!

Greta said...

Cool Pics. Really like that Blog! I want gloves like on the picture they look warm and cozy :)

Ann H. said...

Love, love, love these! What a great pattern! Thank you so much.

Knitcrazy said...

Can the mittens be done in worsted ???

Nicolas said...

Really nice pictures, and excellent blog!!


Corporate Logo Design said...

I was going to make my own pattern, but I saw yours and it is really close to the ones in the movie. They are perfect.

Lizzie said...

I adore these. This was THE pattern that finally made me expand my knitting techniques. Thank you so much. I linked it on my blog too.

Unknown said...

First, beautiful mittens, I have never done the magic circle method of knitting, off to You Tube I go to find out how to do it. Second, there are TONS! of off posts comments here, commerical ones, you really should go through and delete them and have some way for you to moderate them before they are posted. I have a blog, gotten away from posting for the summer, but I have had that problem also. Love these mittens in any case and I have a couple of Twilight friends who want me to make these now!! Thanks for the work!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I can't open the file or page with the knitting pattern, is there anything wrong with it or is my computer that's acting up? - awesome mittens, btw, loved them since I first saw them!

Anonymous said...

Hey, since I can't open the file, I was wondering if you could send to me via e-mail? - really cute mittens, would love to make multiples in different colours!

- e-mail:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the pattern! This is motivationt to get my 'other' work done today, so I can start knitting these mittens!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I think that these mittens are fantastic! However, the link to download the pattern will not open for me. It opens to a blank page. Would you please e-mail me the pattern? I would love to make these for my mom for Christmas! E-mail is Thanks!!

MNknitter said...

I am unable to download the pattern and am desperately trying to make these for a special Twilight fan before Christmas. Could you possibly email it to me?

Anonymous said...

i'm also having problems downloading the pattern. i'd love to make them! could you send me a quick email with the pattern? thanks!

State Of Graces said...

i cant access the pattern PLEASE help

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