- this was a huge crazy mob of awesome knitters party! complete with...

- jess and casey and mary heather from ravelry! we had a rose city knitters reunion as you can see above (my lovely ladies from the pasadena knitting group formed via ravelry - how i miss you so!) -

- AND, a wonderful surprise, i finally met fickleknitter! fickleknitter and i have been blog buddies for years now (i think? anyway it feels like years) and i honestly can't remember how we found each other - she says she was intrigued by my blog name, and i think she's the funniest writer, so anyway - we kept up with each other. and had no idea we would both be at the party. how fun! fickleknitter is an incredibly talented up-and-coming designer and just you wait to see what she has in the works - so inspiring!
of course, i bought yarn.

because how can you go to a yarn store party and not buy yarn? this is ella rae lace merino, and it is SO soft. i want to knit it up right. now. but i'm not sure what it's meant to be yet - a shawl, i think. but which one? do i finally knit a clapotis? maybe. i'm intrigued by the construction of faroese shawls too. i've got about 900 yards - any suggestions?
happy friday, and before i forget - a HUGE thanks to the stash and burn ladies for their discussion of bella's mittens on their podcast this week! you gals rock - i'm so flattered!
(hi to laura, thuy, and kimberly! knit lunch soon!)
Yay my eyes are open! Let's celebrate!
I think blog years are like dog years aren't they? And by that logic we've been imaginary friends for practically our whole lives since I'm only 25!
And by '25' I mean 32. I hate it when my fingers slip.
How FUN! You look great! Love you
WHEEEE!! so FUN! nice yarn, happy people...I'll have a think about your 900 yards of pretty Ella-Rae-lace-I've-never-seen-before; I used Ella Rae wool for my minimalist cardigan (which I have been wearing TONS - SEAM YOURS!! :) ) but haven't seen much of other yarn lines from that brand. happy weekend...
How fun! I wanted to buy a ticket but alas, I had other commitments, sigh. It looks like an awesome time, though! I look forward to seeing what becomes of that yummy yarn you bought. :D
thanks for designing Bella's mittens. I just made a pair for my daughter and, with doubled worsted weight, they were perfect for Chicago weather this week. Not squishy - but warm.
And bonus, one of her friends recognized them.
That looked like so much fun! Love the new laceweight- gorgeous color. Now to look up fickleknitter. (one blog leads to another, then another, then another...)
sooooo jealous! wish i could have been there!
now that looks like a party!!! w00t!
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