Wednesday, October 24, 2007

it's getting better every day

i guess things are clearing up out there because the local networks have dumped the constant fire newsfeed and are back to their regularly scheduled programming. so don't worry - if you live in the socal area, you don't have to catch up on your favorite soaps at 3:05AM anymore.

contrary to what you might think, i have been hard at work on valpuri.


front and back are done and the first sleeve has been started! and stopped, and ripped, and restarted! it's at a happy place now, though, so if these exhausting smoke-induced headaches go away some day in the near future, i might actually finish this puppy over the weekend. and by 'puppy' i mean 'sweater'.

and on the topic of things that are not, in fact, puppies:

Copy of DSC00665

some more new ikea purchases! the lighting in our living room leaves a lot to be desired (although we just got a fabulous new lightbulb for the overhead that seems to be helping). so we bought this absolutely beautiful new lamp - and a short bookcase for it to sit atop! we needed additional shelving for the dozens of books for b's latest classes, so this solved both problems. i am very happy with the way our decorating is coming along!

and on a final note, the interweave knits winter 2007 preview is up! photos that catch my eye: the alicia tabard, forbes forest pullover, and citrus yoke pullover. honestly, i will probably not knit any of these - my ravelry queue is long enough as it is - but it's good to see the latest fashions (seriously, what's up with swing jackets this season?). and i'm really, really curious about the construction of alicia tabard.


Lara said...

that lamp totally rocks. I do quite like Ikea, extremely handy for many things. hopefully I'll be posting more decorating pictures soon too!

Anonymous said...

Do they make that sweater in my size?:)Big Mama